海外留学・アメリカ留学の海外留学推進協会 > アメリカ留学 > アメリカ留学先一覧 > ミシッシッピー州 > 南ミシシッピ大学 / サザン・ミシシッピー大学(University of Southern Mississippi)
南ミシシッピ大学 / サザン・ミシシッピー大学 University of Southern Mississippi
アメリカ ミシッシッピー州ハティスバーグにある南ミシシッピ大学(サザン・ミシシッピー大学 / University of Southern Mississippi)の公式入学窓口です。

1910年設立。ミシッシッピー州第4番目の都市人口約5万人のハティスバーグの郊外にある州立研究型大学。通称サザンミス(Southern Miss)。

- 州内では唯一、全米でも12校ほどしかない、アート、ダンス、シアター、ミュージックの4つの芸術系学部が単位認定を受けている大学。シンフォニーオーケストラも持つ。
- 国際交流に力を入れており、21か国に留学できる制度があり、多くの学生が海外の大学の大学に留学している。また、世界60か国以上からの留学生がキャンパスで学んでいる。
- NCAA Division Iで、スポーツも盛ん。
- 200近い専攻を学ぶことができ、250ものクラブがある。
- 14の学生寮があり、約5000人がキャンパスで生活しながら学んでいる。
創立年 | 1910年 |
大学タイプ | 州立研究型大学 |
公式ページ | https://www.usm.edu/ |
学生数 | 約12,500名 |
留学生 | 約100名 |
- 英語スコア:TOEFL iBT 71, IELTS 6.0(Overall), iTEP 4.0
- GPA:2.5/4.0
- Baseball
- Football
- Men's Basketball
- Men's Golf
- Men's Tennis
- Track & Field/Cross-Country
- Softball
- Volleyball
- Women's Basketball
- Women's Golf
- Women's Tennis
- Women's Soccer

118 College Drive Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

- Accounting - B.S.B.A.
- Advertising - B.A.
- Allied Health - B.S.
- American Studies - B.A.
- Anthropology - B.A.
- Applied Technology - B.S.
- Architectural Engineering Technology - B.S.
- Art - B.A.
- Art - B.F.A. (Drawing and Painting)
- Art - B.F.A. (Graphic Design)
- Art - B.F.A. (Sculpture)
- Athletic Training - B.S.
- Biological Sciences - B.S.
- Biological Sciences - B.S. (Microbiology)
- Biological Sciences - B.S. (Environmental Biology)
- Biological Sciences - B.S. (Licensure)
- Biological Sciences - B.S. (Molecular Biology)
- Business Administration - B.S.B.A. (Entrepreneurship)
- Business Administration - B.S.B.A. (General Business)
- Chemistry - B.S.
- Chemistry - B.S. (ACS-Certified Biochemistry)
- Chemistry - B.S. (ACS-Certified Chemistry)
- Chemistry - B.S. (Biochemistry)
- Chemistry - B.S. (Licensure)
- Child and Family Studies - B.S. (Child Development)
- Child and Family Studies - B.S. (Family Relations)
- Communication Studies - B.A.
- Communication Studies - B.S.
- Computer Engineering Technology - B.S.
- Computer Science - B.S.
- Computer Science - B.S. (Applied Computer Science)
- Construction Engineering Technology - B.S.
- Criminal Justice - B.A.
- Criminal Justice - B.A. (Juvenile Justice)
- Dance - B.F.A. (Dance Education)
- Dance - B.F.A. (Performance and Choreography)
- Economics - B.A. (Mathematics)
- Economics - B.A. (Social Science)
- Education of the Deaf - B.A. (Licensure)
- Electronics Engineering Technology - B.S.
- Elementary Education - B.S. (Licensure)
- Elementary Education / Special Education (Dual Licensure) B.S.
- English - B.A.
- English - B.A. (Licensure)
- Entertainment Industry - B.A. (Film)
- Entertainment Industry - B.A. (Media Production)
- Entertainment Industry - B.S. (Recording Industry Management)
- Entertainment Industry - B.S. (Recording Industry Production)
- Finance - B.S.B.A. (Banking and Finance)
- Finance - B.S.B.A. (Real Estate)
- Foreign Languages - B.A. (French)
- Foreign Languages - B.A. (Licensure)
- Foreign Languages - B.A. (Spanish)
- Foreign Languages - B.A. (Two Languages)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Anthropology)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Criminal Justice)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Physics)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Polymer Science)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Biological Sciences)
- Forensic Science - B.S. (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
- Geography - B.S.
- Geography - B.S. (Geographic Information Technology)
- Geology - B.S.
- Geology - B.S. (Marine Geology)
- Geology - B.S. (Environmental Geology)
- Healthcare Marketing - B.S.B.A.
- History - B.A.
- History - B.A. (Social Studies Licensure)
- Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management - B.S.
- Industrial Engineering Technology - B.S.
- Industrial Engineering Technology - B.S. (Logistics)
- Information Technology - B.S. (Developer)
- Information Technology - B.S. (Networking)
- Instructional Technology - B.S. (Business Tech. Education Licensure)
- Interdisciplinary Studies - B.I.S.
- Interior Design - B.S.
- International Business - B.S.B.A.
- International Studies - B.A.
- International Studies - B.A. (Comparative Americas)
- Journalism - B.A. (Broadcast Journalism)
- Journalism - B.A. (News-Editorial)
- Journalism - B.A. (Photojournalism)
- Journalism - B.A. (Public Relations)
- Kinesiology (P.E. Licensure) & Sport Coaching Education - Dual B.S.
- Kinesiology - B.S. (Exercise Science)
- Kinesiology - B.S. (Kinesiotherapy)
- Kinesiology - B.S. (Physical Education Licensure)
- Liberal Studies - B.L.S.
- Library and Information Science-B.A.
- Management - B.S.B.A. (Business Administration Management)
- Management - B.S.B.A. (Human Resources Management)
- Marine Biology - B.S.
- Marine Science - B.S.
- Marine Science - B.S. (Hydrography)
- Marketing - B.S.B.A.
- Mathematics - B.S.
- Mathematics - B.S. (Licensure)
- Medical Laboratory Science - B.S.
- Merchandising - B.S.B.A.
- Music - B.A.
- Music - B.M. (History and Literature)
- Music - B.M. (Jazz Studies)
- Music - B.M. (Performance-Percussion)
- Music - B.M. (Performance-Piano)
- Music - B.M. (Performance-Strings)
- Music - B.M. (Performance-Voice)
- Music - B.M. (Performance-Wind Instrument)
- Music Education - B.M.Ed. (Choral)
- Music Education - B.M.Ed. (Instrumental)
- Nursing - B.S.N.
- Nursing - B.S.N. (RN-B.S.N.)
- Nutrition and Dietetics - B.S. (Community Nutrition)
- Nutrition and Dietetics - B.S. (Didactic Program in Dietetics)
- Nutrition and Dietetics - B.S. (Nutrition & Food Systems Management)
- Nutrition and Dietetics - B.S. (Nutrition Science)
- Paralegal Studies - B.A.
- Philosophy - B.A.
- Physics - B.S.
- Physics - B.S. (Licensure)
- Political Science - B.A.
- Polymer Science - B.S.
- Polymer Science and Engineering - B.S.
- Psychology - B.A
- Psychology - B.S.
- Public Health - B.S. (Health Promotion)
- Public Health - B.S. (Health Policy and Administration)
- Recreation - B.S. (Therapeutic Recreation)
- Religion - B.A.
- Social Work - B.S.W.
- Sociology - B.A.
- Sociology - B.S.
- Special Education - B.S. (Licensure)
- Speech Pathology and Audiology - B.A.
- Sport Coaching Education - B.S.
- Sport Management - B.S.
- Theatre - B.A. (General Theatre)
- Theatre - B.F.A. (Acting)
- Theatre - B.F.A. (Design and Technical)
- Tourism - B.S.B.A.
- Tourism - B.S.B.A. (Casino and Resort Management)
ELI(English Language Institute)

Fall | 8月下旬~12月中旬 |
Spring | 1月中旬~5月中旬 |
Summer | 5月下旬~7月下旬 |
授業料&Fees | $5,390 |
滞在費 | $5,060 |
健康保険 | $800 |
合計 | $11,250 |
学部課程(1学年 約9カ月)
授業料&Fees | $11,156 |
滞在費 | $11,130 |
健康保険 | $2,293 |
合計 | $24,579 |
奨学金 | 年間$2,000~ |
- 高校GPA3.0でACTが21点以上
- 編入の場合最低24単位を保持しGPA3.0以上
留学体験談 Y.S.さん

- 女性 30代
- 学校名:University of Southern Mississippi
- 留学期間:2004/8-2013/8
- 高校卒業後4年大入学(教養課程)
- 州立大学編入(アスレチックトレーニング専攻)
- 州立大学大学院(エクササイズサイエンス専攻)